35,36. OVEt^G
35. OVEt^G
36. OVEt^G
Frankfurter Allgemeine The New York Times
Frankfurter Rundschau The New York Times Book Review
Die Zeit Workers Vanguard
Corriere della Sera The Washington Post
Rassegna Sindacale Los Angeles Times
El Pais USA Today
Magyar Hirlap Excelsior
Magyar Nemzet The Guardian Weekly
24 pp The Independent
Ixruy The Observer
K~yw~u Oqxu~yu The Sunday Times
K|p The Times
Lyup~p Cpxup The Times Educational Supplement
Lyup~p Qy TLS: the Times Literary Supplement
Nuxpryy}p Cpxup Le Figaro
Qyz{p Cpxup Liberation
Q{p M| Le Monde
The Nation Le Canard Enchaine
The Straits Times