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制作刊行年等: ; 出版地等:大坂 ; 請求記号:文庫10 8006 2 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:32×46cm ; 解説文:和製ポンプの引札。石井研堂の『明治事物起原』によれば、長崎の人がオランダ人に教わって木製の手押しポンプを製作したのが宝暦3年という。その後、それを大規模にしたものが「龍吐水」などと名づけ売出された。この「群龍水」もその一つである。 ; Osaka ; 1 sheet ; 32×46cm ; Ad for a made-in-Japan pump. According to Meiji jibutsu kigen [Origins of Meiji Artifacts] by Ishii Kendo, it was in the 3rd year of Horeki (1753) that a wooden handpump was created by a man in Nagasaki with instructions from a Dutchman. Larger-scale pumps based on this model were later produced and placed on the market under such names as "Ryutosui" (lit., "dragon-spouting font"). The pump in this ad, "Gunryusui" (lit., "crowding-dragons font") was one of them.