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制作刊行年等: ; 出版地等:津 ; 請求記号:文庫10 8007 3 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:51×35cm ; 解説文:太廟(伊勢神宮か)を撮影のため津市に滞在中のオーストリア人写真家ブロモヴィッチが、大安価をもって肖像写真を撮影するという広告。文中「八十歳以上の老人は定価の半額」とあり、「死亡者を施写したく」とあるのは遺影製作を指すか。 ; Tsu ; 1 sheet ; 51×35cm ; Ad announcing that an Austrian photographer named Marian Bromovich who is staying in the city of Tsu to take pictures of the "Great Shrines" (presumably the Ise Shrine) will take portrait photos at the studio at very reasonable prices. The article says, "Elderly persons aged 80 or older, half the labeled price." It also says he is "willing to take pictures of the deceased," which probably means taking pictures of persons who have just died for use at funerals or as mementoes.