
タイトル 舶来大象之譜
Big Elephant from Overseas

著者/作者 仮名垣魯文記 一竜斎芳豊画
Ichiryusai Yoshitoyo, text by Kanagaki Robun

内容記述 制作刊行年等:文久3年 ; 出版地等:江戸 ; 請求記号:文庫10 8008 2 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:35×49cm ; 解説文:象の渡来は江戸時代を通じて幾度かあった。享保13年(1728)が有名で、種々の随筆に出ている。これは斎藤月岑の『武江年表』文久3年(1863)の条に「両国橋西詰にて異国渡来の牝象を見せものとす。灰毛九尺計あり。三歳と云ふ」とある興行の際の引札である。 ; 3rd year of Bunkyu (1863) ; Edo ; 1 sheet ; 35×49cm ; During the Edo period (1603?1867), elephants were brought to Japan a number of times. Among them the one brought over in the 13th year of the Kyoho era (1728) was the most famous, and was written about in various essays. The elephant in this ad for a show came to Japan in the mid-19th century. In Buko nenpyo [The Chronology of Edo] by Saito Gesshin, there is a passage in the 1863 entry that goes, "A female elephant from overseas was exhibited on the riverbank at the west end of Ryogoku Bridge. It had gray hairs nine feet long. It is said to be three years old."

キーワード 図録 幕末明治のメディア展 134
第2部 第1章 江戸の広告


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