内容記述 |
請求記号:文庫10 8258 ; 2枚続 ; 23×60cm ; 先代の死や火事で家財を失った主家に忠義を尽した竹次郎なる者に、江戸町奉行が褒美銀5枚を与えたことを報じた瓦版。天保8年12月10日の事である。長文の記事が付されているが、これはその冒頭部分。 ; Diptych ; This is a news-sheet reporting that the Edo city commissioner presented 5 silver coins to a man named Takejiro as a reward for faithful service to his master, although the household had been impoverished due to the death of the previous head of the house as well as a fire. The reward was given on the 10th day of the 12th month of the 8th year of the Tempo era (1837). The news-sheet carries a long article detailing the story, the beginning part of which is shown here.