
タイトル 異国船之図
Foreign Ships


内容記述 請求記号:文庫10 8276 ; 1枚 ; 32×40cm ; ペリー来航時の「黒船」の図。船の数からして嘉永7年のものと思われるが、ほぼ同図柄のものに船の数が4隻であることから嘉永6年と推定された瓦版もある。船の大きさも、この図のものは最大級85間で6年のものの倍に近い。 ; 1 sheet ; An illustration of the American "black ships" that appeared off Edo (now Tokyo), led by Commodore Matthew Perry. Judging from the number of the ships shown here, the print appears to have been made in 1854. Some news-sheets that have almost the same pattern as this one were thought to have been issued the previous year because they show four ships (the number that appeared in 1853). The largest of the ships depicted here was 155 meters long, nearly double the size of the biggest of the four ships that came to Japan in 1853.

キーワード 幕末明治のメディア展 019
第2章 幕末明治の世相と諷刺


関連情報URL 精細画像(PDF)


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