内容記述 |
制作刊行年等: ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:文庫10 8481 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:40×59cm ; 解説文:民選議院設立建白(明治7年)に端を発した自由民権運動は、板垣退助の岐阜遭難や激化諸事件等の変動を経て、憲法発布・国会開設(同22〜23年)へと至る一大ドラマである。この双六は、その中心的役割を担った自由党の歴史をゲーム化して、訓蒙を図ったもの。 ; 1 sheet ; The Freedom and People’s Rights Movement was a dramatic interlude that started when a memorial was submitted to the government (1874) calling for the establishment of a representative national assembly. It involves several incidents such as the attempt to assassinate movement leader Itagaki Taisuke in Gifu prefecture (1882), and ending with the promulgation of the Meiji constitution and the opening of the Diet (1889-90). This sugoroku, a parchisi-like game, is designed to show people the history of the Liberal Party organized by Itagaki and others, which played a leading role in the movement, while they enjoy playing the game.