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制作刊行年等: ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:文庫10 8519 ; 材質: ; 数量:1枚 ; 大きさ:100×70cm ; 解説文:日本のサーカスの興行ポスター。口上に「アームストン、チヤリネ、ハーナムペーン三種の曲馬を混入し、各国を興行致し、先般東京浅草公園第六区に於て在来の芸道を改良の上、音楽隊を付属し、各種斬新なる妙芸を演じ好評を博し来り」云々とある。 ; 1 sheet ; 100×70cm ; Poster for a circus performance to be held in Japan. It announces that a combination of three circuses (including the one led by Chiarini) which performed in various countries, came to the Asakusa park in Tokyo recently and, with improvements made in their existing techniques and newly joined by a band of musicians, staged innovative and "very curious arts," and was favorably received.