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制作刊行年等: ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:文庫10 8812 ; 材質: ; 数量:1軸 ; 大きさ:114×29cm ; 解説文:幕臣で、将軍の侍講をつとめる学者であった柳北は、維新後、韜晦と反骨の生を貫いた。ヨーロッパを旅行し、帰国後の明治7年、『朝野新聞』に拠って軽妙酒脱な筆致で世相を諷刺、また好んで花柳界を描きながら、一貫して痛烈な新政府批判を続けた。 ; 1 scroll ; Under the old Tokugawa regime, Narushima Ryuhoku had been a retainer of and lecturer to the shogun. After the Meiji Restoration, he left government service and was known thereafter for his rebelliousness and affectation of being obscure. He made a trip in Europe, and after returning home in 1874 he became editor-in-chief of the Choya shinbun, satirizing the current affairs in a free and easy style of writing. He also often depicted the world of the prostitution districts (karyukai), and remained a bitter critic of the new Meiji government.