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制作刊行年等:明治32年 ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:文庫10 8817 ; 材質: ; 数量:1軸 ; 大きさ:134×36cm ; 解説文:明治を代表する大記者桜痴は、長崎出身、幕末に二度も渡欧した新知識の人であった。『江湖新聞』で新政府の忌諱に触れ下獄、のち『東京日日新聞』で政府擁護の論陣を張り、民権派と対立した。晩年は演劇改良運動を唱道した。 ; 1899 ; 1 scroll ; A leading journalist of the Meiji period, Fukuchi Ochi was a native of Nagasaki. He traveled twice to Europe toward the end of the Edo period, and was familiar with things Western. He aroused the new government’s ire with his pro-shogunate Koko shinbun and was sent to prison. He later committed himself to the Meiji government in the Tokyo nichinichi shinbun, in which capacity he came into conflict with proponents of the people's rights movement. In his later years, he became an advocate of reform in the theater.