
タイトル 神田正雄宛書簡
Letter to Kanda Masao

著者/作者 池辺三山(1865-1912)
Ikebe Sanzan (1865-1912)

内容記述 制作刊行年等:明治24年10月 ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:文庫10 8823 ; 材質: ; 数量:1巻 ; 大きさ:18×155cm ; 解説文:陸羯南・徳富蘇峰とともに明治の三大記者とうたわれた三山池辺吉太郎は熊本出身、慶応義塾に学び、明治21年大阪で東海散士らと『経世評論』を編集。26年、藩主細川護良に従い渡仏、『巴里通信』を『日本』に掲載し好評を得た。のち、『東京朝日新聞』主筆。 ; October 1891 ; 1 scroll ; Ikebe Sanzan (real name Ikebe Kichitaro), reputed to be one of the three foremost journalists in the Meiji era (along with Kuga Katsunan and Tokutomi Soho), was born in Kumamoto, studied at Keio Gijuku (now Keio University) in Tokyo, and joined the editorial staff of the Keisei hyoron [Political Review] in Osaka in 1888, where the novelist Tokai Sanshi was his colleague. In 1893 he accompanied Hosokawa Moriyoshi, the lord of the former Kumamoto domain, on a trip to France, and his reports from Paris carried in the Nihon paper, entitled "News from Paris," were widely read. He later became chief editor of the Tokyo asahi shinbun.

キーワード 幕末明治のメディア展 088
第5章 明治の新聞人たち


関連情報URL 精細画像(PDF)


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