
タイトル 安政三辰八月廿五日大風雨出水損場所之図
Ansei Storms and Floods


内容記述 請求記号:文庫10 8871 26 ; 1枚 ; 34×60cm ; 安政年間、江戸は次から次へと災害や事件に見舞われた。前年10月の大地震の傷跡の残る江戸に3年8月に大暴風雨が襲った。強風、洪水、津波に加えて火災も発生し被害は甚大だった。永代橋の一部が流されたり、西本願寺の本堂が崩れたりした。 ; 1 sheet ; During the Ansei era (1854-59), the city of Edo (now Tokyo) was hit by a succession of catastrophes and natural disasters. In the 8th month of the 3rd year of Ansei (1856), a heavy rainstorm hit the city which was still trying to recover from the devastation of a major earthquake that had taken place in the 10th month of the previous year. Buffeted by heavy gales, flooding, and tsunami, the city was devastated by fires as well, and damage was widespread. Part of Eitaibashi, a major bridge, was washed away, and the main hall of the Nishi Honganji temple was destroyed.

キーワード 幕末明治のメディア展 005
第1章 瓦版について


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