内容記述 |
文久2年4月 ; 江戸 ; 請求記号:チ5 3971 ; 2枚続 ; 36×50cm ; 文久年間に江戸で麻疹が流行し多くの死者を出した。病気から逃れる方法をあれこれ考えるのは医療の発達した現在とても同じだが、ここで書かれている方法が果たして効果があったものか。 ; Edo ; diptych ; During the Bunkyu era (1861-64) an epidemic of measles spread through Edo, leaving many dead. Just as today, despite the great advances made in medical science, much study is devoted to finding out how to prevent or lighten the effects of illness, so in those times were people endeavoring to defend against illness, as when this work appeared. It is doubtful that the methods suggested were very effective.