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江戸 ; 請求記号:チ5 3974 ; 1枚 ; 36×25cm ; 安政5年夏に江戸でコレラが大流行し、多くの死者を出した。棺桶で大儲けした葬儀屋があくる日は自分が棺に入るという事もあったという。黒豆と白米のかゆが効くと記されているが、病魔を退治する神様の絵をおがむことと五十歩百歩か。 ; Edo ; 1 sheet ; In the summer of the 5th year of the Ansei era (1858), an epidemic of cholera spread through Edo, taking a heavy toll. Reportedly an undertaker who had made a lot of money one day from selling coffins died next, and was placed in a coffin himself. The sheet says that black beans and polished-rice gruel are an effective remedy against cholera. The effect is probably as doubtful as praying to this talisman of deity believed to drive away the demons of illness.