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制作刊行年等:明治13年5月 ; 出版地等:東京 ; 請求記号:チ5 4170 ; 材質: ; 数量:3枚続 ; 大きさ:37×75cm ; 解説文:物価高直、とりわけ米価の吊り上げをめぐる一般庶民と奸商の綱引をユーモラスに描いた図。米俵をしぶとく引き上げようとする奸商の頭上に天の使いが降臨し、「ばち」があたるという次第。 ; May 1880 ; Tokyo ; triptych ; This picture humorously illustrates the tug of war between consumers and dishonest merchants over high prices, especially the artificially boosted price of rice. Messengers from heaven wielding shamisen picks (bachi) descend to mete out punishment (bachi) to the merchants who are pulling on the ropes with all their might in the attempt to drag the rice bundle their way.