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制作刊行年等:明治25年2月 ; 出版地等: ; 請求記号:イ14 B2347 ; 材質: ; 数量: ; 大きさ:17×77cm ; 解説文:「東洋のルソー」といわれ、自由民権左派の理論的指導者となった兆民は土佐出身。フランス留学の後、明治14年西園寺公望らと『東洋自由新聞』を創刊、人民の革命権を主張し政府から弾圧された。のち大阪で、『東雲新聞』を発行、民権・自由を唱えつづけた。 ; February 1892 ; Called the Jean Jacques Rousseau of the East, and known as a leading ideologue of the leftist faction of the Freedom and People's Rights Movement (jiyu minken undo), Nakae Chomin was born in Tosa (now Kochi prefecture). He went to France to study, and after returning home he launched, in 1891, the Toyo jiu shinbun [Oriental Free Press] together with Saionji Kinmochi (later prime minister 1906?08, 1911?12) and others. An advocate of the people's right to revolt, he was subjected to government pressure. Later he published the Shinonobe shinbun [Dawn News] in Osaka, championing the freedom and popular rights cause.