タイトル |
A Ranking of Chaste and Beautiful Women, Past and Present
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内容記述 |
請求記号:ヲ6 3144 1 ; 1枚 ; 23×17cm ; 実在、伝説の女性100人を、相撲番付に見立て位付けしたもの。貞女ばかりではなく、烈女もいれば、妖婦もいる。江戸期の女性、八百屋お七、笠森お千(仙)、白子屋お熊などが下段に名を連ねている。 ; 1 sheet ; One hundred women, real and legendary, are ranked in the style of a sumo banzuke ranking chart. They include not just chaste women but heroic or vamp-type women as well. In the bottom column appear well-known Edo-period women such as Yaoya Oshichi (joruri and kabuki heroine), Kasamori Osen (a beauty often portrayed in ukiyoe and written about in literary works), and Shirokoya Okuma (kabuki heroine).
キーワード |
幕末明治のメディア展 014
第1章 瓦版について
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