鹿野政直 |
「コロンビア大学ではセンセイと言ったら角田柳作先生のことに定まっている」。『文藝春秋』一九六二年五月号に寄せたドナルド・キーン氏のこの印象深い言葉が、角田柳作 (1877-1964) の日本社会への紹介になった、といっていいだろう。彼は、群馬県に生まれ、東京専門学校 (現在の早稲田大学) を卒業、雑誌編集者や中学校教員などをへて、アメリカ合衆国に渡り、コロンビア大学を中心に、日本学の種を蒔いたひとである。その一方で、在米の日本人社会のためにも尽力した。
草深い土地から出立して角田は、どんな思想形成をなしとげ、どんな想いをもって渡米に至ったのだろうか。半世紀余にわたる滞米生活のなかで、どんな文化観を育んでいったのだろうか。日本文化センターの設立や日本学の講義に、どんな抱負を託したのだろうか。第二次世界大戦や、日本の降伏、さらに戦後の米国や日本をどう受けとめたのだろうか。なぜ「センセイ」の代名詞をえるまでに、彼を知る人びとの心に食い入ったのだろうか。それらの問いのまえに久しく佇んできたわたくしには、この展示は、初めて角田柳作のなまの姿に接する機会としてある。彼が語りかけてくるものとの応答を繰り返したいと、期待は尽きない。 |
Kano Masanao |
"At Columbia University, when people say sensei they are certain to be referring to Tsunoda Ryūsaku-sensei." This impressive phrase was written by Professor Donald Keene in the May 1962 issue of Bungeishunjū and has since become the hallmark of Tsunoda Ryūsaku (1877-1964) when he is introduced to Japanese society. Tsunoda was born in Gunma Prefecture and graduated from Tokyo Senmon Gakkō (the present Waseda University). After having worked as a magazine editor and middle school teacher, he moved to the United States and began promoting Japanese studies, with Columbia University the center of his activities. He also worked at assisting many Japan-related societies in the United States.
Nonetheless, Tsunoda's contribution has been less recognized in comparison with Asakawa Kan'ichi, who was also a graduate of Tokyo Senmon Gakkō, and who was well known as a Yale professor for his study in the feudal history of Japan. Tsunoda's humility in talking about himself has further concealed his achievements.
However, over the past decade research on Tsunoda Ryūsaku has progressed dramatically. Three historians who graduated from Waseda University, Dr. Satō Yoshimaru, Prof. Utsumi Takashi and Prof. Ogino Fujio, undertook to follow Tsunoda's footsteps. They visited Kyoto, Fukushima, Sendai, Hawaii, Colorado, and New York and discovered long undiscovered materials on Tsunoda. Mr. Tsunoda Osamu, Ryūsaku's great-grand nephew, also contributed new findings. Ms. Kai Miwa, who as a librarian at Columbia University was long acquainted with Tsunoda, donated books collected by Tsunoda to Waseda University.
All these efforts contributed to revealing Tsunoda's accomplishments. We are now able to open the first exhibition introducing his life's work worldwide, made possible through support provided by various institutions and organized by Waseda University. Coincidentally, this year marks the 130th anniversary of Tsunoda's birth.
How did Tsunoda, growing up in the remote countryside, discover what he wanted to accomplish, and what made him move to the United States? How did he form his cultural viewpoints over the half a century he lived in the United States? What was he trying to achieve with the establishment of the Japanese Culture Center, and through his lectures on Japanese Studies? What did he think about World War II, the surrender of Japan, and postwar Japan and the United States? How was he able to attract his followers in such a way that Tsunoda would be the one person they called Sensei? For myself, having contemplated these questions for a long time, this exhibition provides the opportunity to see Tsunoda in a very direct way. This exhibition is an opportunity to repeat these questions and hear Tsunoda's response. |