角田柳作WEB展 日米の架け橋となった"Sensei"
開催にあたって Greetings”
角田柳作の生涯 Biographical Sketch
メッセージ Messages
早稲田大学図書館長 加藤哲夫
自らを多く語ろうとはしなかった角田柳作先生について、この機会に多くの方に知っていただけたら、この上ない喜びといたします。この企画にあたって、共催大学であるコロンビア大学図書館長ジェームス G. ニール氏、コロンビア大学東アジア図書館長エミー V. ハインリック博士 同図書館の甲斐美和さん、野口幸生さんをはじめ、関係各位に心より感謝いたします。
On the occasion of the Tsunoda Ry_saku Exhibition
Kato Tetsuo, Director, Waseda University Library
It is my greatest pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce to you Tsunoda Ryūsaku-sensei, a venerable Waseda alumnus who contributed to Japanese studies in the United States from 1920's, through this exhibition commemorating the 125th anniversary of the founding of Waseda University.
Tsunoda-sensei was actively engaged in the collection development and maintenance of library materials on Japan at the Columbia University Library for many years, and, in spite of the difficult pre-World War II period, greatly contributed to the enhancement and enrichment of the Japanese studies collection of the Library. His great achievements can be attributed to his strong will as a Waseda man, in accordance with the idea of the "harmony of East and West civilizations," as advocated by Ōkuma Shigenobu, the founder of Waseda University. In addition to Tsunoda-sensei’s own great accomplishments, I believe the fact that Columbia University produced many distinguished specialists in Asian studies and Japanese studies such as Professors Emeriti W. T. de Bary and Donald Keene who represent the academic fruits born from the seeds Tsunoda-sensei had sown.
It will be my great joy to see Tsunoda Ryūsaku-sensei, who was not willing to talk about himself, better understood through this opportunity. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to Mr. James Neal, Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian of Columbia University, which shares co-sponsorship for this exhibition. My gratitude extends to Dr. Amy V. Heinrich, Director, C. V. Starr East Asian Library, and all the parties concerned with this exhibition, including Dr. Noguchi Sachie of the Starr Library and Ms. Kai Miwa, who not only worked with Tsunoda-sensei as a firm support for many years, but also helped to donate his personal collection to the Waseda University Library.