角田柳作WEB展 日米の架け橋となった"Sensei"
開催にあたって Greetings”
角田柳作の生涯 Biographical Sketch
メッセージ Messages
早稲田大学総長 白井克彦
Message from the President on the 125th Anniversary Commemorative “Tsunoda Ryūsaku Exhibition”
Shirai Katsuhiko, President, Waseda University
This year marks the 125th anniversary of Waseda University. The number 125 is of special significance for Waseda, for our founder, Ōkuma Shigenobu, believed that the ideal length of a human life should be 125 years, if mind, body, and spirit were kept in proper balance. According to this belief, Waseda has finished one life cycle of 125 years and now enters into another cycle. The University celebrates this year as the start of a new era, for we consider it the establishment of the school for the second time.
As one of the events to commemorate this special year, we have organized the Tsunoda Ryūsaku Exhibition.
Tsunoda Ryūsaku-sensei studied at Waseda University when it was still called Tokyo Senmon Gakkō under the great educators such as Tsubouchi Shōyō, Ōnishi Hajime, and Arthur Lloyd. When Tsunoda-sensei graduated in 1896, he decided to become a teacher. After several years of teaching in Kyoto, Fukushima, and Sendai, he left for Hawaii and later moved to the mainland United States. Until his death in 1964, he spent most of his life in the City of New York.
Tsunoda-sensei's achievements in the United States were extraordinary, as is symbolized in the saying at Columbia University that "when people say Sensei, they are certain to mean Tsunoda Ryūsaku-sensei." He has been called the "father of Japanese Studies," and many Japanologists in the United States since the 1930s have been directly taught or influenced by Tsunoda-sensei.
In order to raise Japanese awareness of Tsunoda-sensei, we think it is the time to reveal his devoted life and to discuss what prompted his thoughts on true globalization throughout his career. We hope that through this exhibition, many people recognize Tsunoda-sensei's great achievements.
Last but not the least, I wish to thank the staff at Columbia University and Tsunoda-sensei's relatives who assisted our research and lent us materials for the exhibition.